What are the big brands doing to advocate for mental wellness in the workplace and at home...

Big brands and corporations across various industries have recognised the importance of fostering mental health and well-being among their employees. Here are some examples of initiatives they've implemented:

1. **Nike**: Nike has prioritized mental health by offering resources such as counseling services, mental health workshops, and access to meditation and mindfulness apps for its employees. They also encourage physical activity and exercise as a means to promote mental well-being.

2. **Hermès**: Luxury brand Hermès has introduced programs focused on work-life balance and stress management. They offer flexible working arrangements, employee assistance programs, and wellness benefits such as yoga classes and meditation sessions.

3. **McDonald's**: McDonald's has invested in employee training programs that include modules on mental health awareness and stress management. They also provide access to confidential counseling services and promote a supportive work environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health concerns.

4. **Big Banks**: Many big banks have comprehensive employee assistance programs (EAPs) that offer counseling, therapy, and mental health support services. These programs often include resources for stress management, financial well-being, and work-life balance.

5. **Corporations**: Large corporations like Google, Microsoft, and IBM have implemented initiatives such as on-site mental health clinics, employee resource groups focused on mental health, and dedicated mental health days or wellness breaks. They also provide access to virtual mental health platforms and apps for remote employees.

Overall, these big brands and corporations are taking proactive steps to create supportive work environments that prioritize mental health and well-being. By investing in resources, education, and supportive policies, they aim to reduce stigma, increase awareness, and empower employees to take care of their mental health.


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